With focus on people experience

Unit4 Time & Expenses (T&E) is designed to help employees avoid the frustration and time loss, that are often associated with time registration and processing of expenses and travel bills. 

You will get this with the help of Unit4 T&E

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies, where the system takes over most of the registration functions. This results in freeing up time and prevents the time loss. 

En hjerne med grønne streker

Everything provided as a service, including updating laws and regulations. Thus, employees who work with finances and salaries can spend their time on more valuable tasks.


Flexible integration with your payroll and accounting system, which ensures data integrity and eliminates manual data entry into multiple systems.

Pcskjerm med hukk

Unit4 Time & Expenses

Consists of three individual products, which can either be used individually or together as one integrated solution, which handles all planning, recording and processing of hours.

Unit4 Travel & Expenses

This is one of Norway's most renowned travel solutions with unique self-driving characteristics, which simplifies registration and guides employees so the travel bills are always correct.

Fly i blå sirkel
Unit4 Time Management

This is a solution for recording all working and absence time for project-based businesses, which gives you control over your projects.

Waving hand
Unit4 People Planning

This is an easy and intuitive resource planning that provides a full overview of available capacity and staffing.

Waving hand

Let's talk about what a better user experience can mean for you!

Request a personal demo of one or more of our solutions